Hyderabad to Gandikota

Hyderabad To Gandikota

How to Reach From Hyderabad to Gandikota?

It takes 7 hours and 390 km to drive from Hyderabad to Gandikota. You can choose between two routes:

Most travellers prefer Route 1, as it’s shorter and more convenient than Route 2. On this route, you can find more food and fuel options. If you prefer to avoid tolls while enjoying scenic views, choose Route 2.

Gandikota can be reached by train and air, but they could be more convenient. Gandikota’s nearest station is Kondapuram which is 50 km away. Direct trains from Hyderabad to Kondapuram take about eight hours. You can take a taxi from Kondapuram or a bus up to Gandikota.

What to See and Do in Gandikota ( Hyderabad to Gandikota )?

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